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2024. augusztus 12., hétfő


My dear ones, today I would come to fruition the following topic: assistance. Yes, it is not a shame for asking for help or if we are not capable of resolving something and we need some assistance.

Assistance has many faces. It can be self-created, personal, group sessions, or outside interference. But never forget that asking for help is never to be ashamed for, or a disgrace. If you seek assistance, then that means you are not alone. There are people who can take care of you. There is a higher existance ready to be with you.

Through my observations, if the help is self-created, then it’s clear to see that it’s in a progress. For example, someone helps to put your things away at the cashier or holds the elevator for you.

If we are talking about personal help, you should translate as a sort of healing through mirth, through cheerfulness. The aim is the healing.  This can be a simple massage, a personal healing session, reki or a coaching session. The person seeks healing consciously.

Group sessions can be already a group therapy to give an instance. Or even a group dance, a group hug, a cacao ceremony, yoga, retreats, equal opportunities, martial arts sessions. An occupation which would hold more than 2 people. The aim of the teacher is that the attendees got the right amount of help, knowledge and information.

Outside interference is kinda more aggressive. If there is bullying or aggression and people’s life on stake. The goal is that the person cannot be harmed and one’s life should be saved. We talk about here human, animal and floral protection.  

Let’s observe ourselves as well: where and how de we help each other? Are we kind with ourselves or we still need to develop somewhere? Are we giving ourselves the same amount of help on the plane of body, soul and spirit?


Let’s see some Positive Affirmations:

-         I do listen to the messages of my body

-         I can also help myself on the feld of body, mind and soul

-         I love to help my fellow friends everywhere I can

-         The planes are able to help me

-         I know I am not alone

-         I can help consciously.

-         They are hearing my voice.


Thank you, my dear agenarians and agrathonauts for tuning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervescing practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,



#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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