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2023. május 1., hétfő




Dear Agenorians and Agrathonauts,


With today’s journey I am going to show such a unique point of view, that alone allows you to be helped in various occasion with the flow of the right decision. Indeed, what does it mean the right decision? I am searching the answers the above one.

We can also say that to shepherd your steps as it can be the best for you. We won’t stay on the level of the ego, but rather to visit higher, more nobel and to be superior to the ego. The thing I explore here and bring into light is also pointing higher then the ego in a way that you will be able to drift sweetly into the appropriate events without the overexagerated wanting. Wanting something is different from receiving what we truly need. But let’s allow to ourselves the following question: The inevitable would occur no matter of the decision? I will leave this as an open question. Feel free to moon about it.

The deed I would like to focus at is the following: Wise decisions. So that we start something again and try out ourselves again in it, in which we have a plethora of experiences already so the only choise would be to do it correctly. This can be a wise decision. Also, the same equals if we say no to an experience we delt with before with poor results and torn soul. Like the ego would have kept pushing us and kind of acclaiming it will be better but won’t. I should point out here that you need to focus on your intuition to not create again a karma whit the bad pattern so we would stuck again.

Let’s be optimistic that our guardians, our angels, our protectors are whispering the right decision and providing a lucid, a rightful and good situationrecognition. Before any action can be done we will be able to scan the situation, see it clearly what’s going on for real in a global way. This will provide us heureka moments, leading us to the rightful decision. Then the outcome will be good, filling our heart with happiness and solving parts of our soul journey.

You will keep in mind that to comminucate and action with love, not only towards yourself but towards others as well. In result not only, the planetary laws going to be balanced, but so will be the higher dimension laws too. Why? Because you are going to be much more open and conscious.

How can you be even more sure that you had the rightest decision?

-         Everything agrees well

-         You are seeing signs (if you are outside you see, hear good things, it “whispers” something yesly, encouragingly)

-         you feel something inside

-         you are going to synchronicity (angelic numbers 111,777 etc.)


Let’s see some rightful Agenorian and Agrathian Fortifications:

-         I feel it when I made the right decision.

-         I see clear signs when I made the right decision.

-         For me having right decisions is born with me

-         I love when I listen to voice of my soul

-         I feel that they communicating with me from above and showing the right path.

-         I love my wise experiences.

-         Finally, I make the rightful decisions.


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )


#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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