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2024. május 5., vasárnap




Dear Agrathians and Agenorians,


Recently someone led me to a very particular discovery and to understand it in the same time. It’s like seeing and accepting my own being in a bigger scale. Light has finally appeared in multicolour, like the white light goes through a prism and bears the colour if the rainbow.

The aim is to get to know your own attraction in a way which would lead inwards instead of outwards.  Meaning you turn your colorful focus towards your activities, towards your art. Here where you colourize yourself, to shine and to put yourself out. It’s like instead of mostly wearing it you wander it to the “canvas” of your art, of your activity. Here, where true colours are enobling. Here in this heavenly frequency and levels.  

Let’s just think about it for a moment. It’s truly important when we don’t stay in the realm of words, but make it flow with our acts into the realm of creation, into the realm of positive magic? Let’s meditate on this.

The other question I would like to propose for you my beloved ones, is that what is the most trustful diversity you can bring into your everyday life? To put it into simple words: How can you bring into your own life a kind of diversity, where you allow yourself “colours”, different kind of possibilities?  A kind of turning point where normally you wouldn’t do this thing at all, but you would try it anyway and give yourself the option “what if this works”? If we already play with the idea and propose questions for ourselves, then we would see that the colour palette, the spectrum of our options is going to change too. For example, opportunities, offerings, new job, friendships, traveling options are going to find you as you accepted other colours (opportunities). I hope you understand what I would like to point out here. Wink wink.

Relax and give yourself options and opportunities and to work on your focuspoint on colours. It won’t bite you.


Let’s see some Agrathian and Agenorian Fortifications my beloved ones:


-         My art translates into gold.

-         I bend well the colours.

-         My everyday life is full of colours.

-         I love to tend my own colours

-         I love diversity

-         I create with peace, calmness and beauty

-         I pay attention to colours of others

-         I am grateful for my diversity for my multicolours


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week. 


Happiness and Peace,  



#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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