Keresés ebben a blogban

2024. március 11., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians,


Today I have something unconventional topic for you. The topic itself is kind of telling: “ASKING”. Okay, but what exactly? Or whom exactly? Where should it be and how?

You can understand the above as the following: You simply ask the Universe regarding your own advancement. You write down into a piece of paper, or into a notebook your questions to which you search your answers.

 Please don’t use Google here. The question I try to point out here is something more complicated and complex.

But let me give you some ideas: For example, I would like to know how can I improve my standard living or what steps should I do to unlock my mental blocks? Then we will see the answers will arrive along the way. Or one of our friends, loved ones will send us a reel video or a post where the help going to be visible.

Then let’s move on. And ask questions for ourselves too. Be open and and ask camly from your colleagues, clients, friends, family members too. Don’t forget is if you asking questions you won’t be less. Moreover! Your self-confidence will be improving, because you were able to do the first step. You made a stand for yourself, you had the braveness to ask in such a situation where you were were cornered. Think like this kind of things.

The aim here to feel better and to remove the mental blocks.


Let’s discuss some Agrathian Agenorian Fortifications:

-         I am brave enough to ask

-         It feels good when I question

-         My questions are being answered

-         I feel good as I let myself to speak my mind

-         I speak smartly when I introduce my questions

-         My self-courage is better and improving


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.

Abundance and Gratitude

Agrath ( Agenor )

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