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2024. április 22., hétfő



Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians, 

I have brought to you a deserving and interesting spell for today. I wanted finally give a body and voice to it. 

Normally I have a list of spells which I follow to write about, but this topic just simply arisen in me and made itself clear to work with it. And this is what I came up with: 

To take care of it, be engaged with it, give it attention, energy and attentiveness. There are many ways to be cared for. You can care for yourself, someone else, others, or even an activity, a flow. Let’s observe the first one. 

If you care of yourself, you watch inwards and have an inner conversation with yourself during an activity or inner work. The point is that you focuse on yourself. You do recreational, calming, uplifting, caring, loving, caressing, intimate, reverent things. 

When you entertain someone else or rather saying provide energy towards one’s direction, then the attention goes outwards meaing you will mirror your innerself. In this situation it is a must to stay calm and to channel positive energy as we would do with ourselves.  It is advisible to balance the emotional exaltation as well. 

The energy you give out you receive back. It is that simple, but that’s why it is so important here to be responsible regarding your caring. If you have the positive attention the same will come back to you. The attraction is kinder too. 

And what if we do not have enough experience in this spell? Evenso just be gutsy and go for it! We can practice freely. 

When you guide it towards an activity, it’s like getting into a flow. Like you affect a flow in its growing. You care for it to be a beautiful and healthy one. A quality one. 

Let’s be brave and care for ourselves and do it smartly. Caring is sexy. 

Let’s see some Agrathian and Agenorian Fortifications: 

  • I love to take care of myself and others in a healthy way. 
  • I love caring
  • I have a conscious care taking. 
  • If I care of myself it fulfils me with energy. 
  • I appreciate care taking people. 
  • I pay attention to myself, others and to my activities. 

Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week. 


Happiness and Peace, 

Agrath ( Agenor )  




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