Keresés ebben a blogban

2024. február 19., hétfő



Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians, 

Today I am ready to talk about the joy of success. I will talk about my personal experiences and point of view. 

In my opinion the joy of success has it’s own feeling to and its end product is not only positive but resonates in a healthy manner for everyone. So this can be imdividual or aggregate. If it’s  individual, then it creates a positive, embracing atmosphere around you and give you smiling experiences. Fortunately this goes with the group practice too. 

If it’s a few person or a group activity then development of healthy moral habits, team spirit, interconnections, sense of belonging are the key factors. All of its appearance advised for the healthy evolution of the personality, mentality and psychology. 

When you live through the joy of success, then adrenalin and serotonin releases which will be seen through the posture and facial expression. 

For example your will put up your hands, people will embrace each other, the eyes going to laugh and people will smile. 

Practicing the success of joy is proposed even if you are by yourself or in a group. You can watch videos, read books, and do e-learnings. 

In addition, the joy of success helps to approve your self-confidence, your devotion, your continuousness. Helps also us to believe on ourselves, our personal creator energy. The things we do are good and it coronating a positive outcome. 

Agrathian and Agenorian Fortifications: 

  • I am constantly experiencing the joy of success individually and within a group 
  • I am happy when I successfully accomplish something
  • I am grateful for mine and others success too. 
  • I am grateful for my successful experiences. 
  • I love when I achive success within my work, with my friends and with my family. 
  • I love to do successful and positive-resolution things. 

Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week. 


Happiness and Peace, 

Agrath ( Agenor )  




#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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