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2023. október 23., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians,


To be together. Dear Agrathonauts, today I would like to talk about the nest from which the emotion of oneness derives. Also, what does it trully mean that we connected together and that you are not alone. That we coher?

If we look into each others eye or if we look at someone, then I can say we see our mirror image. As I see someone else, I see the same way myself, because everything derives from within.

Yet there is something which connect us together, something which can be so strong that involuntarily we will search each others company: Love.

It’s going to be as the following: we want that to good thing to happen with other people. We seek the need of the other person ability to evolve, to grow to have better options in life. Also, to be heard and to be next to each other.

In continuity, this creative process goes in the direction of friendship, then into bigger cyrcles. It will help the feeling of affinity and the individual’s mental health. In top of that it improves self-confidence.

Friendships progress towards family, then to connections and in the end to a community. Communities will then heal together, improve each other and have the common good as the focus. For example, on a human, animal and vegetational level. It affects everyone uniformly. It helps individual growth, increases life spam, and the formation of blue zones. 

Unity, cohesion, supporting each other, common objectives are showing up, which will materialize almost instantly. Measurable, visible, tangible, perceptible and experiencible results are being born. The factor of social wellfare grows and much more happy people going to appear. Their vibration level is growing.


Today I have with me some Agrathian and Agenorian fortifications as usual my darlings:

- United we stand.

- I am rising in vibration with humans and nature.

- Rising frequency happening within my events and my experiences.

- Communities are taking shape.

- The language of love started to appear and blossom within and intertwine between people.

- People are finally working together towards their goal.

- Hang together, uplifting communities are developing.  

- I am in love of the direction the world is heading.

- I am in the right direction.

- I have friend-families and they have taking shapes.


 Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )  




#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

2023. október 9., hétfő





Kedves Agrathonauták és Agenoriánok,


Vagyis együtt lenni. Kedves asztronauták, a mai alkalommal szeretnék nektek beszélni arról a középpontról, ahonnan ered az egység érzése. Illetve, mit jelent az, hogy együtt vagyunk, hogy nem vagy egyedül. Összetartozunk. Ha egymás szemeibe nézünk vagy másik emberre tekintünk, akkor egyfajta tükröt látunk meg. Ahogy látok mást, úgy látom önmagamat, hisz belőlem ered minden.

És mégis van valami, ami összeköt minket, ami olyan erős tud lenni, hogy akaratlanul is keresni fogjuk egymás társaságát: a szeretet. Ez úgy fog megnyilatkozni, hogy a másik félnek jót akarunk. Azt akarjuk, hogy fejlődjön, hogy jobb legyen neki. Hogy meghallgassuk, és mellette legyünk.

Ez a folyamat a barátság irányába megy, majd pedig egyre nagyobb körökbe. Segíteni fogja a hovatartozás érzését és pozitívan hat az egyén pszichológiai fejlődésére. Önbizalmát növeli.

A barátságok, családokká majd kapcsolatokká és aztán közösségekké fejlődnek. A közösségek, már együtt javulnak, egymást fejlesztik és a közös jót figyelik. Emberi, állati és vegetációi szinteken. Mindenkiben egységesen hat. Az egyén fejlődésére is hat. Életkort megnöveli és a kék zónák kialakulását segíti.

Összefogás, összetartás, egymás támogatása, közös célok jelennek meg, amik meg is valósulnak. Mérhető, látható, tapintható, érezhető, tapasztalható eredmények születnek. A társadalmi jóllét faktora nő és boldog emberek jelennek meg. Rezgésszintjük nő.


A mai alkalommal és hoztam a számotokra agrathi és agenori megerősítéseket:

-         Egységben az erőnk.

-         Szeretek emelkedni emberekkel és az élővilággal.

-         Felfelé rezgő eseményeim, élményeim vannak.

-         Közösségek alakulnak ki.

-         A szeretet nyelve kezdett el megszületni és felvirágozni az emberekben.

-         Az emberek végre együtt dolgoznak a közös céljaik felé.

-         Összefogó, felemelő közösségek alakulnak ki.

-         Szeretem, ami felé változik a világ.

-         Jó irányban érzem magam.

-         Baráti családjaim vannak és alakulnak ki a világon.


Köszönöm kedves Agenoriánok és Agrathonauták, hogy ma is figyelemmel kísértetek. Lelkes és pezsgő gyakorlást kívánok nektek. Szép napot!


Boldogság és Béke,



#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

2023. október 2., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians,


For today’s work I have brought you one of my inspiration. It’s been several months that I have watched a Netflix movie, in which the story was about an afro-american lady, who become a multimillionaire by selling her hairproducts. It was inspirational, because represented teamwork between people in a very good light and was educational too.

First of all, I would like describe my observations and the magic of teamwork within the realm of positive psychology. So, this phenomenon comes into existence between more parties and the objective is to attain the mutual ambition, through change. We can already reinforce the fact that already two people can attract an aim much faster, which they want to have together. But if it’s multiplied between many people then the opportunities will be much more abundant and the goal will be achivable quicker.

I cannot highlight enough the quality here. Why? Because one of the viewpoints is that we cannot do any harm of others, not even any damage in them. Moreover, we cannot wish any ill with our aim. We should wish the good, the improvement and to go higher.  

Secondly, because improvement, in other words growing, is one the biggest focuspoint. So, we need to consider the individual growth by the help of teamwork. We learn from each other and from ourselves too. Endure, discipline, growth of self-confidence and so much more going to appear and fruit. The following positive attributes also rising up like understandingness, acceptance and the glory of openness.

We are going to notice that our vitality grows, our happiness will rise and the gladness going to flow from the inside.

Now let’s observe the aim itself, which we want to achive. What it can be and its nature itself.  

The energy what the attendance summons is also a creation in the physical but in the mental sphere too. Their deeds show that they are doing something for its fruition. With their energy, time, sweat and actions. In the case of mental work, they think of it gratifingly. It’s in their consciousness that they already achived the target. The achievement of hope, implementation and the joy of the aim lives in them. Cherriness surrounding them. The latter going to bring a healthy outcome on their body.

Thirdly, if teamwork is directed to the right direction and all members are heading to the same direction then we can say that a very intense, elevated frequency level, positive and change attracted terminus going to be conjured.

Here the setting of objective is the change itself in such a quality, which will help good in people, the prosperty, the well-being. Not just a few have their abundance out of it but EVERYONE! The man, the flora and the fauna as well! The interest going to swift from the individual to the common, to the community.


Let’s see some Agrathian ad Agenorian fortifications this time too:

-         I love to cooperate with my fellow people.

-         I love when it plays out for the good for the community.

-         We are heading in a very bright aim with our fellow members.

-         I can cooperate in harmony with others.

-         I speak with diplomacy on meetings.

-         I can bend positively the reality.

-         I summon change which helps everyone.

-         I am the change itself!


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )


POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY - Consciousness-awareness

My dears,   How is this? What is consciousness-awareness? It is not enough that we are conscious, but are we aware of our consciousness?  Pr...