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2023. október 23., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians,


To be together. Dear Agrathonauts, today I would like to talk about the nest from which the emotion of oneness derives. Also, what does it trully mean that we connected together and that you are not alone. That we coher?

If we look into each others eye or if we look at someone, then I can say we see our mirror image. As I see someone else, I see the same way myself, because everything derives from within.

Yet there is something which connect us together, something which can be so strong that involuntarily we will search each others company: Love.

It’s going to be as the following: we want that to good thing to happen with other people. We seek the need of the other person ability to evolve, to grow to have better options in life. Also, to be heard and to be next to each other.

In continuity, this creative process goes in the direction of friendship, then into bigger cyrcles. It will help the feeling of affinity and the individual’s mental health. In top of that it improves self-confidence.

Friendships progress towards family, then to connections and in the end to a community. Communities will then heal together, improve each other and have the common good as the focus. For example, on a human, animal and vegetational level. It affects everyone uniformly. It helps individual growth, increases life spam, and the formation of blue zones. 

Unity, cohesion, supporting each other, common objectives are showing up, which will materialize almost instantly. Measurable, visible, tangible, perceptible and experiencible results are being born. The factor of social wellfare grows and much more happy people going to appear. Their vibration level is growing.


Today I have with me some Agrathian and Agenorian fortifications as usual my darlings:

- United we stand.

- I am rising in vibration with humans and nature.

- Rising frequency happening within my events and my experiences.

- Communities are taking shape.

- The language of love started to appear and blossom within and intertwine between people.

- People are finally working together towards their goal.

- Hang together, uplifting communities are developing.  

- I am in love of the direction the world is heading.

- I am in the right direction.

- I have friend-families and they have taking shapes.


 Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )  




#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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