Keresés ebben a blogban

2023. május 15., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians,


Today I’m going to talk about the so-called inclusivity. Have you ever wondered what it could really mean? What are its features and how it builds up? Which elements hold its stronghold?

Throughout my obersvations until this point I have pointed out to the following conclusion: It is a kind of unconditional affiliation of a certain group through its individuals with their colorfulness and uniqueness. Finishing alienation, and accepting its difference and honouring it. By opening to this option equal opportunities for all going to rise. In other words, opportunity, options, consentaneity, equivalency and the security of congruence. This will be the top, the zenit.

Inclusivity may appear in a society, in a group of individuals, in a institution or also through a workplace. Everyone is included. We need to give to everyone the opportunity of growth, which means everyone should be able to grow and let them know that they are capable of doing so. Every single opportinty is given. We are playing with open cards.


Its features and keywords:

-         diversity

-         colorfulness

-         openness

-         security

-         opportunity

-         possibility

-         growth

-         calmness

-         attiring love

-         trustful


We can deppen and prolonge it with the following feelings and actions:

-         courtesy

-         love

-         attention

-         letting in

-         openness

-         calmness

-         doing action together

-         acceptance

-         reception

-         diplomacy

-         “yes, you belong to here” feeling

-         omnia

-         sincerity


Let’s observe the fortifications for the inclusivity:

-         Finally, I’m able to be open, accepting and selfless

-         I can speak in the language of love

-         I want others to be able to positively do their well-being and growth

-         I wish good for those we surround me

-         I love myself, my soul, my spirit, my mind with unconditional love

-         Wherever I go I feel accepted, included and loved

-         I can feel as the vibration increases around me

-         I reached high frequencies

-         I summon achieveness on the field of inclusivity

-         I am clear-sighted


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )


#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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