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2024. szeptember 2., hétfő


Today I am going to talk about a quite strong summoning, which has a positive effect on your working moral and the faith of your labor of work. If you started it, you work hard on it you will succeed in it. It motivates you to continue and go forward.

So work for it bitch, just like Britney Spears said.  Work for your dreams if you want to achive those. Put on the box gloves and bring it on. You can fight for it, you can go for it, you can research about it, you can work for it and work with it and you can think about it. Because the more you visualize it and conjure it in the physical the more it will reveal itself. Don’t just timidly want it, but go for it bravely and do the excercises you fell will success you.

During work you can take some relaxation time. You give yourself time to regain energies, then you go for it even harder and it will move through your body, your soul and your spirit. The appearance of joy and hearthenergy is a must. The fruit of labor going to be sweeter if it interweaves with love.  Why? Because this going to be a positive memory, a positive experience.

When you know your work is worth it, it just fantastic. Lovely performances can be born and it just enobles the power within yourself, your self-worth, your self-confidence, your morals. It also has an effect on your environment. Please do not give up even if it’s very hard you can survive it, because you know where is the goal. Towards which direction you are heading.

The key is within you. How much you would like to work with your project? How important it is for yourself? How much you want it to happen?


Let’s see some positive affirmation for the week:

-         I did, I completed it

-         I do the job until I finish it

-         I am capable of doing the work until its finished

-         I am working for my success, I do my best for it!

-         I love to acquire my goals

-         I am successful person

-         I love to believe in myself, because I create good energy with it

-         I walk my talk

-         I believe in myself


Thank you, my dear agenarians and agrathonauts for tuning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervescing practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,



#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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