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2024. szeptember 23., hétfő


My darlings, today’s fortification help and sooth your every days and to disolve negative energies.

Jokes are able to bring some excitedness and to disappear the grudges, the grips and to bring happiness, easiness. Luckily, we can also do steps towards this or others can help us too. For example we can tell jokes to each other, we can be witty or roast each other, of course if everyone gets the joke, wink wink. We can even go to Roast events or watch online contents which are full of jokes and moves us and disolves negative feeling and melancoly.

How do trees get on the Internet?

They log in.

What do computers like to eat?


What do you call a space magician?

A flying saucerer.

What is a computer’s first sign of old age?

Loss of memory.

What does a baby computer call his father?

Instead of Da-da it says “Da-ta.”

What is an astronaut’s favorite control on the computer keyboard?

The space bar.

It is also worth mentioning here that, in addition to jokes, there are also gold spits, which elevates an observation with witty humor, or a statement that gives the impression of a slight benevolent mockery.

It's good if we understand the joke, it's also helpful if it's told well and has a homerun with it. If we pun about other people and right in front of others, then it is important that what we say is well structured and has a pun in the end. This will ensure pure success and people will have a good laugh.

Yes, laughing is good for us and we can allow ourselves to joke not only about others, but especially about ourselves. The funny acceptance of our own situation is a beautiful art, with which we can very well resolve the mood and successfully heal ourselves.

Let's look at some positive affirmations:

- I like jokes

- I like to be able to laugh at mysel

- I can laugh well

- I laugh with my friends and fellow human beings

- I can tell good jokes

- Humor helps my life and I heal from it

- I understand the remarks and I can smile at them


Thank you, my dear agenarians and agrathonauts for tuning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervescing practice for this week.



Happiness and Peace,


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