Keresés ebben a blogban

2024. július 22., hétfő


My dears, today I would like to speak about the representation of a work of art. Why is this truly important? Why do we need to tend it and be able to market it?
What we showcase from ourselves, what we describe from ourselves are depictions of us. Why not expert it on a grandmaster's level and to perfect it with beauty and to produce splendid experiences and healing? We need to let good happen without any self-judgment. Let’s give energy and full commitment to our self-confidence.
Allow art itself and its process to make us happy and produce a creative energy from our heart. As the need arises in our hearts for yet to be created art, then let’s get to work right away. We will know that our art is going to be a top seller. Feedbacks are a surplus and add to our confidence.
Let love create art and when we move it to the zenit or put it on the wall or in the center of a display, let love lead the way. Like a relic defuses its healing properties. 
Now let’s see some positive affirmations:
I love to create
I love my art
I create beauty
My art is esteemed
I found love during the creation of art
My work of art is splendid and beautiful.
I create with love and a positive heart. 
Thank you, my dear agenarians and agrathonauts for tuning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervescing practice for this week. 
Happiness and Peace,


2024. július 15., hétfő




Kedveskék, a mai nap szeretnék nektek a műremek, a műalkotás fontosságáról is beszélni. Miért is fontos ez igazán? Miért kell, hogy foglalkozzunk vele és prezentálni tudjuk?

Amit önmagunkból mutatunk meg, ami kifejezésre kerül általunk az mind egyfajta megjelenítése önmagunknak. Miért is ne lehetne ezt mesteri fokra fejleszteni és bemutatni, hogy egy szépet teremtünk, ami kellemes emlékeket fog idézni és gyógyulásunkat elősegíti? Engedjük meg magunknak a jót, anélkül, hogy elbizonytalanodnánk, hogy vajon erre tényleg szükség-e van a világnak vagy sem. Adjuk meg magunknak a teljes elköteleződést önbizalmunkhoz.

Engedjük meg, hogy az alkotás önmaga és a folyamata boldoggá tegyen bennünket és szívünkből áradjon a teremtő energia. Ahogy megteremtődött a fejünkben az igény és az elkészítendő műalkotás vágya úgy adjuk át a kezeinknek az irányítást, hogy ez fizikálisan is létre tudjon jönni. Hiszen mi fogjuk tudni legbelül, hogy alkotásunk jó lesz és kelendő. A visszajelzések pedig még jobban megnövelik az egészséges önbizalmunkat.

Szeressünk alkotni és amikor csodálat tárgyává tesszük alkotásunkat, kirakjuk a falra vagy egy központi helyre akkor szívünk vezéreljen és adjuk bele magunkat, hogy ez az embereknek is tetszeni fog. Mint egy ereklye, ami kiárasztja igazi gyógyítását.


Nézzünk is néhány pozitív affirmációt erre az igézetre:

-         Szeretek alkotni.

-         Szeretem alkotásaimat

-         Szépet alkotok

-         Tisztelik alkotásaimat.

-         Örömömet lelem az alkotás folyamatának.

-         Műremekeim gyönyörűek és csillognak.

-         Szeretettel alkotok és szívvel teremtek.


Köszönöm szépen nektek utazók, hogy ma is figyelemmel, nyitott szívvel és szeretettel gondozod magadat. Lelkes, pezsgő és felemelő tapasztalatokat kívánok nektek. Boldog Napot!


Bőség és Hála, 




In today’s teaching I would like to spell upon with abundance a theory, a possible perspective for you my dearests. With such a possibility we can live with it, we have energy for it and we are able to make it happen. This is a free associacion visualization. Please welcome with love.

I have three keystones here: The body, the soul and the spirit. Let’s start with the body keystone’s reality. Earthbalancing, in other words Earth union -, produces such a physical, bodily harmonysation where borders won’t be necessary anymore. Won’t be a thing, which blockes us in any kind of traveling, learning. Every available place and information going to be totally obtainable. There is no more racial discrimination, no more walls, information detention. There is no more reign spawning from fear and the lust of power. Full information is going to be presented. The ocean of ideas is not compromised physically and the true knowledge of schools, developers and teachers are finally appearing again. People are thriving in freedom and in protection. On the Earth, a global, solid language appears. A telephatic mother tongue.

Peace, understanding, mutual learning, mutual growth, advancement are the calling words of this earth. Transporation is much simpler and much faster. You are there in a blink of an eye: dimensional traveling – based on thought waves.

The second keystone is the spiritual. Here we discover the borderlessness and peacefulness of thoughts, the freedom of observations. The restraining, narrow-minded point of view evolved and enobled into a wider, freer and calmer viewpoint.  Telepathy appears more frequently ( as I explained it earlier ) and jumps into its full potential on the Earth and with other planets too. The spiritual enrichment going to appear inside our uniformed and balanced brain. We are going to feel it and see it with our third eye. Television appliances won’t be needed anymore. We will make it aware within us with chrystal clear consciousness what we truly want without any blocking fear. Positive self-care and self-talk are going to be an everyday practice which flourishes and thrives. Abuse won’t exist anymore.

The third keystone here is the soul aspect. The soul already knows. Fully aware of itself since conception. Next to parental consciousness soulfamilies will be gravited to each other even faster. Leveling up here is clean, united, uplifting and inspiring. We have here healthy evolution. We just know why we born to this planet. What is our goal here, our spiritual homework? Joy, happiness, confidence is already coded within us and we remember this since conception. The frequency of our soul and aura is high, clean and peaceful. We are coded to evolve.


Positive Affirmations for this event:

-         My earthconsciousness is strong and thrives healthily.

-         In earthbalancing all my keyfactors are fully present.

-         I know and do the homework of my body, spirit and soul.

-         I move and evolve with confidence and peace.

-         All my 7 chakras are open, clean and fully healed.

-         I simply know and feel inside of me the truth.

-         I am borderless, open and certain.


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week. 


Happiness and Peace,  



#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding


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