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2023. december 25., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians, 

I am bringing to your attention today a curiosity, what I am fond of since a long time and its correct management. And still, it surprises me and heurekas me still. 

I already know that the vibration raising musics, meditation, the various yogic exercices, and those things that we keep doing which we love, in which we get into the flow are all raising our vibration. The key here is to love it, to believe in it and to find our center in it. 

The following qualities are enhancers: 

  • Affection
  • Balancing
  • Devotion
  • Assisstance
  • Furtherance of others
  • Meditational music
  • High vibration music
  • Self-love
  • Self-acceptance
  • Knowing of Higher Dimensions
  • Believing in miracles

It is important to honour and respect our boundaries and to take care of it as a holy thing. 

If we already acknowledged that we stepped on on this journey then it’s advisible to remember, to celebrate and to nurture it. Let’s feel the love. 

The atmosphere, the air is changing wherever you are like it’s sparkling, aglowing. This time, our attraction is atypicly high and we are capable of raising it higher. 

Our spirit and heart growingly open. An advisable practice to observe our reality in a more positive and optimistic way. Our courage grows. 

As we accept ourself so we will accept others in a better ease and encouraging the space for assertive communication. Like a dimensional gate would open, where we are able to capture higher vibrations, frequencies and to tune in those. Finally we can breathe. Our irradiance improves, like as we are glowing. We will be able to do miracles as I was said before. Attract joyful, healing experiences. This is for a long time run, that’s not to be sneezed at. I am encouraging you my dear astronaut! 

Let’s see some Agrathian and Agenorian Fortifications: 

  • I am vibriting higher
  • I vibrate high
  • I attract high frequency contents and experiences 
  • I am full of positive energy and joy
  • I love to tend my energies
  • I am cultivating uplifting activities. 
  • I am generating and surrounded my pure energies
  • I am staying in a fruitful flow for a very long time 
  • Raising vibration is an everyday phenomenon, practice for me 

Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week. 

Happiness and Peace, 

Agrath ( Agenor )  


#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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