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2023. november 13., hétfő




Dear Agrathonauts and Agenorians,


Today I brought you such an important value, which is a necessity today’s word and its practice. More personally, I feel like I’m going through humbleness again. Although I already got it acquaintanced since I already went through it, but nevertheless it’s always coming back into my life.

I feel like I need to practice it again, because in hard situations when my ego wants to take over, the ego needs to be taimed. It’s fine to remind ourselves to be humble, right? In any situation, when we think we know everything, then we need to think of humbleness, because we might overhear something important which would help our development. Only the path is hard, but serve an appropriate aim and direction: it smoothens in the end.

Humbleness helps us to learn self-discipline, endurance or even acceptance and to become a better person. Humbleness also can be that we want to reach one of our aim and with relaxed silentness we can recognize the teaching itself. It’s advesible to calm down the inner anger and our helplessness and to let our higher consciousness to take over. Let’s make it aware that it aims our advantage and to better us. If we stay calm we will recognize that humbleness talks to us with kindness. It pats and embrace us. The universe won’t forget you. In the contrary, it listens to us, makes us to remember and lifts us up. It gives us energy and feeds our love.

The energy of humbleness surrounds us and clears out the cluttery, ego-veiled view. We get cleansed by it. Comprehension going to appear and transforms us.

Let’s be vigiliant, because the circumstances not always the most welcoming one, the beautifulest and we recieve the learning matterial as it is offensive, hurtful and aching for our ego. It’s completely normal that we will take it personal. The ego assumes that it knows everything better than anyone else. We need to be conscious of it and to transform the whole experience. This is the true teaching of alchemy.

Like this the ego won’t devour us and we can give us into humbleness, to the true carrysome healing.

With the following exercises we can cultivate and create humbleness:

-         Meditation  

-        Breathwork

-        Music

-        Empathy

-        Attentiveness

-        Appreciation

-        Joy of others happiness


I have brought for this occassion as well some agrathian and agenorian teachings:

⁃ I love to be humble

⁃ I become a better person by the help of humbleness

⁃ Humbleness shows me out of the darkness

⁃ I know clearly the practice of inner alchemy

⁃ Humbleness clears me, uplifts me and loves me

⁃ I attained true teachings thanks to my humbleness

⁃ Due to the humbleness my inner organs are healing.


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )  




#agrathhealth #agrathfuture #agrathshealingproject #positivepsychology #psychology #soulshielding

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