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2023. szeptember 4., hétfő




Dear Agrathians and Agenorians,


My darling, for today I have a very appealing observation to share. A different angle, which summons a unique pont of view: the healing, the soothing importance. Importance has a substance content

Basically, you walk your talk. You are in that flow, the importance flow. It’s a principal thing for you finally and you pay extra attention. In addition, the following healthy benefits have on your body: strong heart, harmonized cells and relaxed nervous system.

It promots earnestness. You are now taken serious not only yourself and others but the energy, the flow. Luckily, positive energy will be fed towards the main aim of your focus. The importance, you make available you are also hold tight. In other words, you guard it, take care of it, preserve it.

You search, learn, engage in, conjure it and see it with a clear sense of visualization at you third-eye. You become truthworthy as you speak about what your focus is. So fundamentally you tell the truth. Make into words what you are up to. The point is to build up the availability for yout aim.

Fortunately, it gravitate’s pay off. You welcome it into your circle, the importrance is with you. Showing life, interest towards it. you become more aware. Though pondering and prioritizing comes into the picture.

If it overflows - so it goes to the directon of the ego -, you will see as what’s only matter is your own words and nothing else. You are self-determining in this case. Please be aware, conscious when this happens. To move forward of this point, you need to be open and receptive of other’s existence as well. To be finally awaken. That others exist too just like you. And if it will be good for others, then it will be good for you likewise. Let’s not fear to be happy for someone’s happiness, because our our own, personalized happiness will be coming in our way too. Let’s pay attention to each other. It’s healthy, healing and fun.


Let’s see some Agrathian and Agenorian Fortifications:

-         I am my first priority. so other’s will be just as important as myself.

-         I can easily recognize what’s truly ment for me and I actively act upon it.

-         I know what’s needed for me.

-         I am consciously moving towards my aims.

-         I Claire-voyantly see what’s my interest and I do it with love.

-         I know what I’m doing.

-         I feel when I need to act in the best possible time and space.


Thank you, my dear agenorians and agrathonauts for tunning in today as well. I wish you a soulful and effervesce practice for this week.


Happiness and Peace,

Agrath ( Agenor )

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